CO02 003 TD

Baldreck, the Colossal Beast
豪獣ごうじゅう バルドレック

Card TypeCaoren Colossus

◆◆, Discard 1 Capture Gem▷ Select 1 Follower and deal 1 damage to it.

◆◆◆▷ This turn, if your Follower(s) was destroyed, draw 1 card.

◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆, Discard 4 Colossus Gems▷ This turn, all your Beast-Race Followers gain [Soar][Fleet], and their Crush Points are doubled. Also, they are destroyed at the End Phase.

CO02 003 TDResonance Chapter, Theme Deck "Caoren"Theme Deck Exclusive

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