Keyword Ability

Keyword Ability refers to, text abilities that are usually referred to in the game using keywords. Keyword abilities are shown in [brackets] within card texts, and are sometimes followed by the descriptions of the ability in smaller text. They indicate their entire effect, even if the descriptions of their abilities are not explicitly mentioned in the card text.

There are 6 Keyword abilities.

[Locus Trick]
[Double Break]
[Fast Break]

[Soar] is a Keyword ability that refers to, Followers that can attack from the sky.

[Soar] Followers with Soar can only be blocked by other Followers with Soar

Attacks from Followers with [Soar], cannot be blocked by other Followers without [Soar]. However, Followers without [Soar] can still attack Followers in OFF Position with [Soar].

[Fleet] is a Keyword ability that refers to, Followers that can attack on the same turn that they come into play.

[Fleet] Can attack the turn it comes into play

Normally, Followers cannot attack or use their OFF abilities during the turn that they come into play. However, Followers with [Fleet] can both attack and use their OFF abilities during that turn.

[Locus Trick] is a Keyword ability that refers to, Follower Cards and Action Cards that can be played without paying their Locus Cost, when they are flipped face-up by attacks while they are in the Locus.

[Locus Trick] When this card in your Locus is flipped face-up by an attack, you can play it without paying its Locus Cost

When a Follower Card or an Action Card with [Locus Trick] is flipped face-up and revealed by an attack while it is in the Locus, it can be played straight from the Locus without paying its Locus Cost, as long as its Gem Level is fulfilled.

● If it is a Follower Card, it is played to the field.
● If it is an Action Card, its ability is activated, after which it is placed into the Discard Pile.

After [Locus Trick] has been activated, any cards in the Locus that were to its right are shifted to the left to occupy any vacancies in the Locus. A Locus Card that activated its [Locus Trick] is not replaced. It is alright if a player who has activated [Locus Trick] ends up with less Locus Cards than their used Locus Points. In that case, the Locus Counter is simply shifted to the last Locus Card on the right.

[Locus Trick] cannot be activated if the card's Gem Level is not fulfilled, or if it was already face-up, or if it was flipped face-up by anything other than an attack. In that case, the card simply remains face-up in the Locus.

Previously, the activation of a card with [Locus Trick] was mandatory, as long as it was flipped face-up by an attack while it is in the Locus. However, as of August 2014, a change in the ruling has made it optional.

[Double Break] is a Keyword ability that refers to, Followers that can attack 2 Locus Cards with one attack, instead of the usual 1 Locus Card.

[Double Break] This Follower can select 2 Locus to attack

When resolving an attack to the Locus by a Follower with [Double Break], the attacking player has to select 2 Locus Cards and the order of which they are revealed, following which the selected Locus Cards are flipped face-up, one by one.

● If it is a Gem Card, it is captured.
● If it is a card with [Locus Trick], it can be played and resolved, before continuing with the second Locus Card.
● Any other cards remain face-up in the Locus.

Only the first Gem Card revealed is captured. Even if the second Locus Card revealed is also a Gem Card, it cannot be captured, and remains face-up in the Locus. The Capture Point of the attacking Follower does not affect the number of Gem Cards it can capture from the Locus.

[Rage] is a Keyword ability that refers to, Followers that can discard cards from the top of the opposing player's Deck, when their attacks are blocked.

[Rage X] When this Follower is blocked, destroys the opponent's Follower by battle damage, and remains on the field, discard cards from the top of your opponent's Deck equal to the Rage value

When a Follower with [Rage] attacks and is blocked, and destroys the blocking Follower by battle damage, without being destroyed itself, cards are discarded from the top of the opposing player's Deck, according to the Rage value. The Rage value is shown after the Keyword, in the form of [Rage X], with X being the Rage value.

[Fast Break] is a Keyword ability that refers to, Followers that can attack and deal battle damage before the other battling Follower does.

[Fast Break] When this Follower attacks, it deals battle damage before other Followers without [Fast Break]

When a Follower with [Fast Break] attacks and battles another Follower without [Fast Break], during the Battle Resolution Step, it deals battle damage to the opposing player's Follower first. In other words, if it can deal battle damage that makes the Resistance Point of the other battling Follower 0 or less, only the other Follower is destroyed, and it takes no battle damage itself.

● [Fast Break] does not activate unless the Follower is the one that is attacking.

Follower Abilities
Text Ability | CIP Ability | Continuous Ability | Ignition Ability | Trigger Ability
Keyword Ability | OFF Ability | Locus Sync
Soar | Fleet | Locus Trick | Double Break | Rage | Fast Break

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