Card Information

Play Cost

● In order to play a card, a cost is required.
● The cost to play a Follower Card or an Action Card is shown on the top left of a card.
● A Play Cost consists of both a Locus Cost, and a Gem Level.

Locus Cost
● The Locus Cost refers to the Locus Points required to play a card.
● The Locus Cost is shown as a number inside a circle, on the top left of a card.

Gem Level
● The Gem Level refers to the number and color of Gems that are set on the Colossus, required to play a card.
● The Gem Level is shown as colored Gems below the Locus Cost.

Card Name

● The Card Name refers to the name of a card. A Deck can only have up to 3 copies of a card of the same name, apart from Gem Cards.
● Cards with a ★ to the left and right of their names are Unique cards. A Deck can only have up to 3 copies of a Unique Gem Card of the same name.

Card Type

● There are four types of cards; Colossus, Follower, Action, and Gem.
● The Card Type is shown below the Card Name.
● There are further subtypes for Follower, Action, and Gem Cards, namely Follower/Unique, Snap Action, and Gem/Unique Cards.


● The Race of a Follower Card is the class that it belongs to, usually referring to the special traits that a Follower has. A Follower Card can also have multiple Races.
● The Race is shown to the right of the Card Type in Follower Cards.
● Most Deck strategies focus on the synergy between similar Races.
● Sub-Races also exist, usually the target of very specific effects.

Card Text

● The Card Text is the description of a card's ability, or story.
● Card Texts mainly consist of card abilities, and occasionally Flavor Texts.

Card Ability
● The card ability describes the effect of a card on the gameplay.
Follower Card abilities are further divided into CIP abilities, continuous abilities, ignition abilities, and trigger abilities.

Flavor Text
● Flavor Texts only serve to expand upon the world view of Colossus Order, with no actual bearings on the gameplay.
● Flavor Texts are only present in Follower Cards, and are positioned closer to the bottom of a card, in a different font than Card Abilities.

Crush Point

● The Crush Point refers to the number of cards discarded from the top of a Deck, when a Follower selects the opposing player's Deck for an attack.
● The Crush Point is shown as a number over a symbol of a deck, on the bottom left of a card.

Capture Point

● The Capture Point refers to the number of Gem Cards that can be captured as a player's Capture Gems, when Gem Cards are discarded from the opposing player's Deck from crushing.
● The Capture Point is shown as a number over a symbol of a gem, next to the Crush Point.

Attack Point

● The Attack Point, usually written as ATK in Card Texts, refers to the battle damage a Follower can deal when battling the opposing player's Follower.
● The Attack Point is shown as a number over a symbol of crossed swords, next to the Resistance Point.

Resistance Point

● The Resistance Point, usually written as RES in Card Texts, refers to the damage a Follower can take before its destruction.
● When the Resistance Point of a Follower becomes 0 or less, either due to damage or point modifications, it is destroyed and placed into the owner's Discard Pile.
● The Resistance Point is shown as a number over a symbol of a shield, on the bottom right of a card.


● The Illustrator refers to the artist who illustrated the card.
● The Illustrator is shown on the bottom right of a card, above the Collection Number.

Collection Number
● The Collection Number refers to a card's order in its respective set of release.
● The Collection Number is shown on the bottommost right of a card, to the left of the Rarity.

● The Rarity refers to the predetermined rareness of a card from an expansion pack, usually corresponding to the finish of card.
● The rareness of a card is in the increasing order of C (Common), UC (Uncommon), R (Rare), SR (Super Rare), and UR (Ultra Rare).
● The Rarity is shown as a set of alphabets, on the bottommost right of a card.

Card Information
Play Cost | Locus Cost | Gem Level
Card Name | Card Type | Race
Card Text | Card Ability | Flavor Text
Crush Point | Capture Point | Attack Point | Resistance Point
Illustrator | Collection Number | Rarity

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