Quick Start Guide

★ What you need for the game

● 1 Deck
● 1 Locus Counter

★ Starting the game

Place the Colossus Card in the Colossus Area
Shuffle your Deck
Place your Deck face-down in the Deck Area
Draw 7 cards from the top of your Deck as your starting hand
Decide the starting player
Decide with rock paper scissors. The winner becomes the starting player.
Change your starting hand if you need
The starting player can return up to 3 cards, and the second player can return up to 5 cards from their hand to the bottom of their Deck in any order, then draw the same number of cards from the top of their Decks and add them to their hand.
Start the game from the starting player, with each player taking turns

★ Flow of the game

Starting player's turn

Second player's turn

Starting player's turn

Winning Condition

Gem Complete
Deck Out

Game concludes

★ Types of cards

Colossus Card
● The card that is the core of the game.
● By setting Gems on it, it becomes the driving force of the game.

Gem Card
● Used by setting it on the Colossus or in the Locus.
● The source of power in the game.
● Gems that have a ★ to the left and right of their names are Unique Gem Cards.
● You can only have 1 Unique Gem of the same name on your field.

Follower Card
● In charge of attacking and defending.
● Followers that have a ★ to the left and right of their names are Unique Follower Cards.
● You can only have 1 Unique Follower of the same name on your field.

Action Card
● Played during your Main Phase.
Snap Action Cards are a subtype that can be used during both player's X-Play.

Deck Structure

● Each Deck has 1 Colossus Card.
● Gem Cards are limited to 20 cards and below.
● Cards of the same name are limited to 3 cards and below.
Non-unique Gem Cards of the same name are not limited
● Each Deck has 51 cards in total, including the Colossus Card.

★ 1 Turn = 3 Phases

Start Phase

1. Complete Declaration Step
2. Recovery Step
Recover your Locus Points / Change OFF Position Followers to ON Position
3. Draw Step (draw 1 card)

Main Phase

A. Set 1 Gem Card on the Colossus
B. Set 1 card in the Locus
C. Activate 1 Colossus ability
D. Play an Action Card
E. Play a Follower Card
F. Play a Follower ability
G. Attack with 1 Follower
Followers cannot attack during the same turn that they come into play.
H. End the Main Phase

Moves can be done in any order, any number of times.
A, B, C are limited to once per Main Phase.
G: Each Follower can attack 1 time, and Followers attack one at a time.

End Phase

● Clear all Followers' status changes
● Recover all Followers' damage
Discard cards from your hand until you have no more than 7 cards
● Resolve all effects that activate at the End Phase

Opponent's Turn

★ Aim of the game: 2 Winning Conditions

Aim for Gem Complete
Set 6 Gem Cards in your Locus face-down, protect them from your opponent's Followers' attacks, and Gem Complete at the Complete Declaration Step during the Start Phase.

Aim for Deck Out
Attack your opponent's Deck (crush/capture), and reduce it to 0 cards.

Process of Gem Complete

1. Complete Declaration
2. Revealing the Locus Cards

● Select 6 face-down cards in the Locus, and reveal them without changing their order.
● If all 6 cards that are revealed are Gem Cards, the Complete Declaration succeeds.
● The player that succeeds in their Complete Declaration wins, and the game concludes.
● When there are cards that are not Gem Cards in the 6 cards revealed, the Complete Declaration fails.

When the Complete Declaration fails

The opponent chooses 2 cards from the 6 cards revealed for the Complete Declaration, and places them in the opponent's Discard Pile. The player whose Complete Declaration failed, flips the revealed cards face-down and returns them to their original order in the Locus. The game continues with the Recovery Step of the Start Phase.

★ Playing Action and Follower Cards and abilities

Pay the cost, and select the target if necessary.
Apply and resolve the effect.

★ Play Cost ~Follower and Action Cards~

Locus Cost
(pay cost / limited power)

Gem Level
(condition cost / unlimited power)

● The power needed to play a card is called cost.
● The cost for Follower Cards and Action Cards is shown on the top left corner of a card.
● The power from Gems set on Colossuses (Gem Level), and the power from Locuses (Locus Cost), call Followers to the field, and bring about effects.

There are 2 White Set Gems, and 4 Locus Cards. However, 1 Locus Point has already been used, as marked by the Locus Counter, so 3 Locus Points can still be used this turn.

● "★Ash★" cannot be played, as it requires a Gem Level of 3 White Gems.
● "Heroic Knight" also cannot be played, as it has a Locus Cost of 4.

"Spurring Griffin" is the only card that can be played, as there are enough Locus Points to pay for its Locus Cost of 3, and enough Gems to fulfill its Gem Level of 2 White Gems.
To play "Spurring Griffin", shift the Locus Counter to the right by 3 Locus Cards, and place "Spurring Griffin" onto the field.

★ Choose 1 of 3 targets to attack

★ Flow of attack

★ X-Play ~Cross-over plays between players~

① Declare X-Play
● X-Play starts from the opposing player, in response to a play or an attack declaration.
Follower abilities and Snap Action Cards can be played during X-Play.
● If a player does not X-Play, the priority passes to the other player.
● If a player X-Plays, the priority of X-Play switches to the other player.

② If both players pass in succession, the X-Play moves on to the resolution.
● Starting from the last Snap Action Card or Follower ability played, the effects of the abilities are resolved in reverse order.

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